Picture of my Erne pickleball machine receipt

Erne Pickleball Machine: 4 Crucial Things I Wish I Would Have Known

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After my first pickleball machine experience was not worth it, I decided not to give up. As such, I decided to purchase the Erne pickleball machine.

Here are 4 crucial things to know if you decide whether purchasing this pickleball machine was worth it.

1. Deliveries are not available until August

On the top of the Erne pickleball machine website, you will notice this line that says that purchasing today means that you will not receive your Erne pickleball machine until August.

Picture of Erne website showing that Erne pickleball machine wouldn't be delivered until 2 months later

This is unfortunate as the receipt in the header image shows that the machine would have an estimated delivery of around 3-5 days after I purchased the erne in mid-June.

Erne pickleball machine receipt showing delivery in same month

Thankfully, I had seen the banner before purchasing, so I didn’t trust the receipt although I guess I hoped just a little bit.


I received an update today that my machine will arrive to the warehouse on August 26th for testing. I would estimate that I will receive this in early September, a little over 2 months from the purchase date.

I am not thrilled about the wait time, but I am excited to meet my Erne.

2. Some colors are not available

When shop for the Erne on the website, you will notice that grey and red are sold out.

2 of Erne pickleball machine colors are sold out

If I had my choice, I would have purchased the grey, but I see that the white and black are fine choices.

3. Shipping is not free

Generally, I like to see free shipping on large purchase, but it’s important to note that the Erne does not provide free shipping.

So, be sure to budget around another $109 for shipping. Thankfully, there was no tax to the purchase, so that helps.

4. You Need to Budget for 150 Outdoor Pickleball Balls

While my super cheap pickleball machine that was not worth it could only hold around 16 pickleballs that shot out every 17 seconds (boring), the Erne can hold up to 150 pickleball balls, so be sure to budget for those.

I’ve played with many pickleball balls, and thankfully you can purchase the best outdoor pickleball balls in bulk at a steep discount.

  1. Franklin Sports Outdoor X-40 Pickleball Balls – 100 Pack – Yellow ($2.00 per ball)
  2. Franklin Sports Outdoor X-40 Pickleball Balls – 100 Pack – Ember ($1.76 per ball)

These outdoor pickleball balls were the best deal I could find across Amazon at $.62 per ball when you purchase a 40-pack, so you would buy 3-4 of these packs.

Is the Erne Pickleball Machine Still Worth It?

While I do not have my Erne in hand yet as I am still waiting for another month, I am 100% going to guess that the Erne pickleball machine is worth it even though it’s important to consider the above.

I mean, check out these Erne features, which are incredible. I plan to provide an updated review when Erne is in hand (and I may also have a discount code as I’ve been in contact with Erne’s CEO), so please consider subscribing to my blog here.

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Here are the Erne pickleball machine features: